October 24, 2023

5 best practices for ensuring optimal network security

Five essential best practices for securing your company's network and safeguarding your organisation's data against digital risks.

Written by
Anne Jornod

Network security encompasses measures and practices aimed at safeguarding the flow of data between devices, systems and users within your organisation's network.

Ensuring the safety of your organisation's data, maintaining smooth operations and enabling secure collaboration all rely on the effective implementation of the following five network security recommendations:

#1 Secure your network with a firewall

A firewall serves as a digital gatekeeper, protecting your network from unauthorised access and malicious activities. It serves as a barrier between your internal network and external threats, controlling incoming and outgoing traffic and keeping your data safe. As such, it restricts unauthorised users and potentially harmful data from infiltrating your network.

#2 Ensure data privacy with a VPN

With the increase in remote working, employees often access company resources from various locations. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) play a crucial role in security by encrypting connections, ensuring secure data transmission even while using public networks. VPNs establish secure tunnels between remote devices and corporate networks, making data interception nearly impossible.

#3 Take control with centralised network monitoring

Real-time network monitoring is essential for quickly identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities. By managing your network centrally, IT administrators can gain real-time insights into network traffic, detect unusual patterns and respond swiftly to security incidents. This proactive approach is essential in preventing security breaches.

#4 Implement effective network segmentation

Network segmentation involves dividing your network into smaller, isolated segments to protect your company’s entire data from unauthorised access. For instance, setting up a guest Wi-Fi network with restricted access prevents the exposure of your entire network to potential threats, as only a section is accessible.

#5 Enhance access control with centralised authentication

Centralised authentication streamlines access control by linking your cloud network or VPNs to an identity provider, like Microsoft 365. This ensures that only authorised users can gain entry and streamlines the configuration process. Employees can log in using their M365 accounts, making access management more efficient.

5 best practices to follow for a secure business network.


In a world where data is constantly flowing between devices, systems and users, optimal network security is paramount. By following these five best practices – securing your network with a firewall, ensuring data privacy with a VPN, implementing centralised network monitoring, employing effective network segmentation and enhancing access control with centralised authentication – you can secure your network and protect your business from evolving digital threats. Need help to implement our recommendations? deeploi’s IT experts are here to assist.

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